In this exercise you will use the Prospector tab of the Toolspace to explore the model.
1. Launch Civil 3D 2023, and open the file named User Interface.dwg.
2. If the Toolspace is not already open, click Toolspace on the Home tab of the ribbon.
3. Click the Prospector tab of the Toolspace to bring it to the forefront.
4. Explore the tree structure of Prospector by clicking the plus signs to expand the different
5. Expand Alignments ➢ Centreline Alignments ➢ Main Road A ➢Profiles. This hierarchical
arrangement provides effective organization and suggests a relationship between the alignment
and its profiles.
6. Click within the left viewport to activate it. Then, on the Prospector tab, right-click Side Road
B, and select Zoom To. Notice how Prospector knows the location of the alignment named Side
Road B, even if you don’t.
7. Keep this drawing open for the next exercise.
You can watch video for this exercise here: